all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 6LD 22 0 53.342583 -1.260889
S26 6LF 6 0 53.339038 -1.255032
S26 6LG 20 0 53.340409 -1.268496
S26 6LJ 33 0 53.342042 -1.25528
S26 6LR 16 1 53.340572 -1.267127
S26 6LU 54 0 53.341633 -1.253109
S26 6LW 20 0 53.340295 -1.269323
S26 6NA 10 0 53.339989 -1.255677
S26 6NB 5 4 53.340898 -1.254834
S26 6ND 6 0 53.339938 -1.255092
S26 6NE 31 0 53.343322 -1.261686
S26 6NF 39 0 53.341974 -1.251586
S26 6NG 20 1 53.338918 -1.235976
S26 6NH 20 0 53.342156 -1.262052
S26 6NJ 38 0 53.341615 -1.251698
S26 6NL 35 0 53.343501 -1.254218
S26 6NN 4 0 53.339273 -1.234873
S26 6NP 5 3 53.33707 -1.238953
S26 6NQ 1 1 53.338333 -1.238374
S26 6NR 10 1 53.33398 -1.235553